It's funny, but I never think of any of the posts as 'one person' or 'one school'. Very rarely have I ever seen a post that could not, or is not, happening everywhere. Very rarely (can't think of once as a matter of fact) do you see peoples names, names of schools, names of board members, etc. Know what I mean? 99% of the problems posted are problems that we have all experienced or will experience or could experience. I was sitting here trying to think of who posted what in the past... I can think of the issues, but not who posted them. All the issues are important enough to be remembered, but I never think about who the poster is/was. It never mattered to me. I guess that if my posts were read by someone at my school, they might take it very personal... okay, some of them would take it very but I try very hard to be fair in my posts even when I'm ranting. I come here because it is where my friends are, where folks who have been there and done that are, and more importantly, it is where help is.
Recently our board has had some issues. Mostly personality conflicts, but there are some issues in there too. I came here and wrote about it. They talked to friends around town, businesses around town, strangers around town, etc. Get the picture? I know that everyone talks, whether it be here or around town. The difference? Chances are that YOUR folks won't run into me at the grocery store and know who I am and what I may or may not have done. This is definately not the case with small time snitches and small minded people who use their mouths instead of their typewriters. I post here a lot and some of it is good, some not so good. I tell folks at my school to visit here. I know they will probably read what I wrote and may/may not understand it. They may/may not like it. But the fact is that I have every right to try to get help for my 'problems'. I have every right to my own opinion of how things happened in any situation. I have every right to 'feel' the way I do, same as they do. Don't you just love it when someone says 'you should'nt feel that way'?
I for one have used your posts to help our school, to help solve problems, to avoid problems. It would have been a real shame if there hadn't been you...
People are problems, not schools. Sounds like you've discovered another problem... Hold your head up... you've nothing to be sorry for.
[ 12-12-2004, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: TheMetzyMom ]