I can't begin to tell you how valuable this forum has been for me. From getting advice on putting together a constitution and by-laws so our organization could get its non-profit status to just being a place to vent my frustrations and disappointments, I've always found someone whose "been there".
Ask your questions, make your suggestions, rant and rave and even cry a few tears-there will be someone here who can make everything feel a little better.
don't know if I'm one of the very passionate or one of the eccentrics (a bit of both perhaps?) but I too hope you enjoy your time on the boards. I must caution you in that, it can be addicting!
JHB- I just noticed how many posts you've done. WOW And I thought I was bad. LOL
To the newbies. Welcome. We are all here to help. Just throw a question out and you will be amazed at the responses you will get. I have gotten a lot of valuable resources from here.
Welcome! We're glad you found us and think you'll discover it's an interesting and helpful cyber community with many long-time regulars, some enthusiastic newcomers, and lots of quiet lurkers.
Overall, I think you'll get some good information and support. Like any community, we have our experts, diplomats, a few eccentrics, and some who are very passionate about certain topics. We don't agree on every issue, but that gives you a variety of perspectives to consider.
I've been a member for 4 or so years. For the first time in several years, I don't think I'm holding an office or serving on an Executive Board with PTO(may change next month) - although I belong to two. But I still enjoy the interaction of this group and find it rewarding.