I knew I didn't want to check back.
I really loved what I was doing. I've been thinking of doing it as a profession. Not a lot of money in fundraising for nonprofits but it was exciting, stimulating, rewarding and plain fun.
The reason I stuck it out for so long is because of those reasons plus everyone else is a joy to work with and I adore the school.
But the principal feels that this is her baby and has made my life miserable. I have gained 10 pounds this summer. I'm constantly stressed.
She doesn't have any integrity. She made it clear that she's willing to dodge fees, hold illegal events and suppress information that helps the low income families in our school because it takes a little out of her budget. I can't see anymore.
I am heart broken and embarrassed to do this but it is hurting me and my family. I still plan to volunteer at the school, but in something she doesn't micromanage.
I know it's a rare person that will stick his neck out like I'm insane enough to do, but I can't do something that hurts my family and me. I really hope they can do it without me.