I think that having the number of volunteers is a good option to list, along with what accronym your group uses (pto, hsa, pta.....) what capacity you are in your organization, or former capacity. How many schools your group may encompass (ours is two)... I will keep thinking.
Maybe an "other" box with the option to list anything else you want to.... seems there are a lot of people who are afraid to be known after they vent about others on these forums. But not everyone is in that situation.
It might be nice to know if some one is with a private school. Also it would be nice to do a study of private schools and how they operate with a PTO setup.
How about positions held in the organization? It could be "former president", "donations leader" or "Box Tops chairperson". You'd need to be able to change it yearly. But I think that would be helpful.
Also, maybe experience with other nonprofits would be a resource. Big Brothers/Big Sisters do fundraising too. Maybe someone ran an auction for them.
I vote for separating the city and state as well. Although I may have listed mine somewhere anyway...
Just the state for me! Since we only have 2 pta's & 2 pto's in our town and a county president living a few doors down from our school, if I list my town she'll be knocking on my door wanting to kick my butt about some of the things I've been saying about her(like they say the truth hurts).
If she's not kicking my butt, she'll be going after kma for what she's been saying about her PTA and it's officers!
I'd like to post what state I'm from, but can't figure out how without divulging my town name--anonymity is important to some of us gripers and "whistle blowers" out here!
I like seeing where people are from--it gives you a different perspective to see how things in other parts of the country are being done. The other stuff you came up with is fine--though seeing the amounts other schools can raise might leave me feeling suicidal!