I would like to see the following for very specific reasons. These are in particular order
1. State not city --I like to complain too.This one is optional for me but would make local networking easier
2. grade level of school
3. # of students
4. average income or #/reduced priced meals
(can be found easily on most county BOE sites)
5. title teacher,prez,troublemaker:)
6. Rural Urban or Suburban
This is very important beacuse everytime I bring up an idea these women sya"Well, how big is that school? They're probably private or in a rich community" uuuggghhh!!! I try to look for schools with the same basic demogrographics. I was able to do this a little by looking at groups of the year.
Thanks for this site! It has been my saving grace during the first 2 months of old vs. new members in our PTO