I am KES PTO too! :cool: I am sure it doesn't stand for the same thing though! We have the same schedule, some people call it "year-round" and some people call it an "alternative schedule". I was "voted" on right before my kids went to school. None of the parents wanted it, but it seems to work ok.
Here in southeastern GA our last day of school was May 21st. We will be going back Aug 3rd our Winter Break will end the first semester and this year we are accually getting a full week off for Thanksgiving. We will also be getting 2 1/2 weeks for Christmas. I don't know why it is just the way they do it down here. I am not a native so I don't understand it all.
Loved the comment from SFlak from upstate NY " End of August is pretty hot up here, so I prefer the later start." We lived in upstate NY for four long winters and I think I wore shorts for about a week every year! Guess "hot" depends on what you're used to.
I live in an NYC suburb, we are not that far upstate, (anywhere north of the TappanZee Bridge is considered "upstate", and we are south of Albany at the base of the Catskills) so summers here are pretty hot, usually above 85* mid June-July-August. I've been in shorts for 2 weeks. But I have to say, my son went to soccer camp in Lake Placid (way upstate-almost Canada) in July last year and I saw smoke coming from chimneys the day we took him up and not one day was over 65*. Also, our winters aren't as bad as they are up there as we don't get the lake effect snow off the Finger Lakes. Once you go north of Albany into the Adirondacks, the seasons get funky. But where I am is a temperate climate. Also, no hurricanes, tornadoes or earthquakes!
It's funny, as I write this I'm watching the weather report closely because our spring carnival is today, and we've got thunderstorms coming. AAAHHHH! Figures.
I'm in the lowcountry of S. C. We got out on May 29th and go back on July 12. We are have a ball. Been to the beach, had a pool party for the graduating kindergarten class having a party for the Tee Ball team next week. Enjoying every minute of it.
Our school got out May 20 (half day) and we go back Aug. 23. Our district employees voted to have fewer days off (we only took off the major holidays) and fewer half days (2 this last school year). Our first semester ends before Winter Break. It takes work, but we get it done...lol...