I love all the ideas here:) There is just one question I can't remember when teacher appreciation day/week starts!! We do give each teacher a gift certificate to Applebee's (it is close to school and they usually go on their lunch break). Any help with the date will be GREATLY appreciated:)
Wow! I just realized we do ALOT for our teachers with a 300 dollar budget! Last year we gave the teachers AND staff key chains that were a silver star with our school name and a blue stone in the middle and muffins one morning, brownies the next day, 100 Grand bars (Your Grand In Our Book!), AND Friday and BBQ for lunch! We like to do something everyday while keeping it simple.
Last year we made up note cards with the school logo on them. The teachers use these a lot. Each teacher received about 100 each. We always bring in lunch for them. We try to stretch it out so they receive a thank you of some sort the entire week!!
Our PTO is in search of fresh ideas. Every year we request food donations from each student. Every grade is given suggestions of foods or beverages to send in. We set up a buffet lunch (usually we have enough food for two days!)Last year we also had raffles each hour for the teachers in addition, we had a cartoonist come and do sketches of the teachers.
We are a school of 600, K-5. I would say our students and parents are very generous to our teachers. New ideas would be greatly appreciated.