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What exactly is the MAIN function of a PTO supposed to be ?

5 years 5 months ago #173229 by Carole Garcia
The Main purpose of a PTO is to support the school and it's students for the "Nice to Haves" NOT "The Need to Haves"! All those extra things that school taxes don't pay for like enrichment programs, assemblies, school trips, author visits, class pet and accessories, food, etc. NOT computers and smartboards! That is what our tax dollars for.
24 years 6 months ago #67846 by mamapres
First and foremost, a good relationship with the principal is very important.
I agree that districts should spend more on playgrounds, etc. But they don't.
Last year we bought new playground equip., and many other things.
We always pay for at least 1/2 of one field trip each year.
After our fall fundraiser, we are going to by new sound equip.
Our recycling money is going towards a mural that will cover every main wall on our campus. Estimated cost--$15,000.
I agree that YOUR PTO is what you make it.
My goal is to involve as many different types of parents as possible and to reach out to any parent who needs us.
We are the parents who "know most of everything" at school and if you do it right other parents will not only volunteer to help and to raise money, they will look to your PTO for guidance. You are the ones who stand out. Make it work.
If all you are doing is right, the principal has no choice but to recognize your hard work and respect you.
P.S. look into buying some sort of marquee that the PTO can put their good news on. That way everyone can see!
24 years 6 months ago #67845 by
The PTO is to help with the betterment of your school. Any thing that helps the kids, and makes things better. The goal for the PTO is help teachers and kids, we raised money last year for a new ellison machine(diecut machine) and a new sound system toegether about $9000, but eveyone in the school benefitted from them. As for the principal be patient he will come to see that he needs your help and the PTO is an asset
24 years 7 months ago #67844 by CMadd13
I believe that a PTO's mission is to support the school in whatever ways are needed. Unfortunately that can mean things like footing the bill for playground equipment (as we did at our school), which I personally think should be the responsibility of the school district! It sounds like your principal needs a little prodding to follow up on things. Stay committed to bringing up things over and over again if you have to. Hopefully your principal will begin to lend his support. There have been times that our PTO was ready to pay for things that the principal had money in his budget for. If you don't ask the questions, your generosity may be taken advantage of. And stay on top of your school board. We fought to get additional playground equipment for our school from the Board of Education. It took a lot of leg work and a lot of calls...even to the mayor. Sometimes the money is there, but if you don't formally petition to get it, it never comes your way. Good luck.
24 years 7 months ago #67843 by
I don't think there really is a supposed to be. What do you want your PTO to do? As a group you need to decide that and then work toward those goals. Sounds like your principal is using his influence to kind of keep you where he or she wants you. You don't have to stay there. For us, we're strong when we need to be and after a while our principal got that and now we work really well with her.
24 years 7 months ago #67842 by themom
I am learning the answer to this question myself if I find what we are looking for I will let you know.. I will say though that our PTO has just not only given some of our stuff a face lift,, but we have also put in the first part of our new playground which was not cheap and we spend alot of time raising the money ourselves.. We also have a principal like that, but hang in there they do start to come around you just have to show them that you are staying in there and not backing down..
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