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How do you handle blatant teacher favoritism?

13 years 11 months ago #156973 by Landers33
I think it would be wise to have the upset group of parents hold a informal outside of school meeting, coffee talk, and then maybe decide to document date of issues and bring it to a larger forum such as a group meeting with head of school including school counselor.
13 years 11 months ago #156972 by incognito
OK--here's the story. Middle school teacher. Male. SMALL private school. Has two "favorites"--young girls who are the Queen Bee types---quintessional mean girls. Has been allowing these girls to rule the middle school to the point that not only are the students talking about it, now the parents are, too. Specific acts:

1) Allows these girls to hang up their coats on special hooks in his class (they have lockers), sit in special seats during class that no other students are allowed to sit in--even when these girls aren't there, basically interupt him during home room and run amok in the halls, makes comments about how when it's "their year" they're going to do this, this and this....

2) Conned people into letting this class (not the top class of the school) get a class pet at the bequest of these two girls. An expensive pet.

3) One of these favorite girls was made captain of a sporting team he coaches, where as more senior girls on the team were not selected, even though that was the precedent set before. When asked after one of the girls went home upset, told the parent of this girl "well, she didn't want it"--but that wasn't true.

4) Girls in the older grade are being called mean names by these girls and while girls in a younger grade are terrified of them. Kids in their class don't like them because they shunned one of the girls in class who has a learning issue and is shy. He knows about this and still lets them do this.

This teacher is an excellent teacher in that the kids learn and do well under his tutelage. However, he calls one class "bad" and is selective in communicating to parents of this class regarding fundraising for a class trip---some know more details than others and he can be evasive, down right rude to parents he doesn't feel worthy of being in the know. He tends to be nicer and take into confidence parents of attention-seeking students (moms of the Queen Bees). Apparently he makes comments about "stupid parents" to other teachers and his favorite parents.

The principal is aware of this now because after the class pet issue, at least parents had something more to question (the older class had asked for a pet and he told them it was crazy so it was a double standard). The principal is new to the school, not familiar with all of the "politics". (The last principal favored one of these girls parents and was schmoozed by this teacher, too---she wouldn't even acknowledge the problem) Over the last few weeks, this principal has been getting an earful from different parents and students---with consistent messages. We're hoping that he's going to act soon--supposedly the "hooks" for their coats are down, but this teacher has stopped for a while only to resume again.

But what else can we do??? It's not necessarily that this guy is doing anything illegal (yellow, not red flags), but how do other schools handle such blatant favoritism that has a demoralizing effect on students?? What message does it send that the Queen Bees can flirt their way into a classroom and get whatever they want?? What does it say about a male teacher who seems to favor attention seeking female students and give them special priveleges, offer extra credit opportunities when one of their grades is too low for sports (offered to the entire class, mind you--but the offers only come when a "precious" is failing)? My child quit the sport he's been coaching because of his blatant favoritism.
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