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List of features for next upgrade?

18 years 4 months ago #126353 by Debbieomi
I just created November Hours and put myself on it to check how it works and that will work great!

Thanks also mum24kids. It's great to have this board to work out the nitty gritty!
18 years 4 months ago #126352 by Debbieomi
Hi Mike,
That sounds like it may work! [img]smile.gif[/img] Thanks!
18 years 4 months ago #126351 by Mike Schoen

Thanks for the kind words!

I still think PTO Manager has 90% of what you want/need. It is hard for me to give you specifics because I don't know exactly how many events you have and how accurate you want to be in recording events but... try this out

1. Create an event called October hours
2. Don't put in any hours in for scheduled hours
3. Save the event
4. Go under Administration, tasks, and create tasks that are = to your events
5. Go back to events and click on assign
6. Click on recruit volunteers and then hit search to show everyone
7. Simply select people who worked that month and hit assign selected
8. Type in the hours worked and if desired use the pull down menu under tasks to "assign" them to an event.

I realize this is not using the system as planned but does this meet your group's goals?

Very little typing....

There are several different variations of this you could use depending on your goals and what you need to accomplish. Feel free to call and I can explain.

Good Luck
18 years 4 months ago #126350 by mum24kids

Originally posted by Debbieomi:

I believe you have responded more than once that I can directly put in hours worked without messing with the times, but I don't see how to do that.

If you wipe out the times, then you can move over to the field that shows the total number of hours worked, and type something in there. But you can't get to that field without wiping out the times.

Generally, I find it a little faster to go ahead and put in the actual start and end times and let the system calculate the total than to calculate the total in my head, then enter the total time worked only.

It would be nice if the fields for entering the times were a little more flexible in terms of what they aceepted for input. For example, if I could enter 10a for 10:00am, or 943a for 9:43am, that would really help. I use another program that accepts shortcuts like that for time, and it does seem to make a difference.
18 years 4 months ago #126349 by Debbieomi

Hi Mike,
I really appreciate all the info and help you are giving me with this program but here's what I'm trying to say. I don't want to type all that in. I have, like most PTO/PTA'ers, have a million things on my plate and for me to sit in front of my computer typing 30-40 names in for one event PLUS having to enter the times is just too much time. It would be SOOOO much easier to have an alphabetized list of all volunteers, a drop down menu of events/interests and then a place to enter JUST THE TOTAL HOURS they volunteered. We're talking a difference of an hour for a slow typer like myself and also not triggering a carpal tunnel episode. :D
See how much easier it would be to click on a name, click on the drop down, click on the event, click on the total hours, type in one or two digits and then click "add" or "submit" rather than typing in a name, changing the date possibly, highlighting and retyping the time someone started, highlighting and retyping the time they finished?
I believe you have responded more than once that I can directly put in hours worked without messing with the times, but I don't see how to do that.
I do want to let you know also that our treasurer loves the Financial Manager. :D
18 years 4 months ago #126348 by Debbieomi

Originally posted by Mike Schoen:

I think you will find that PTO Manager does allow for quick input of volunteer hours. I also think that your group could get away with fewer events and then using tasks to list the specific job a person has done. For example - if you have 20 people work movie night, to enter all those hours into the system you would simply:

1. Go to ASSIGN under movie night
2. Type the volunteers' names right into the space provided.
3. If you want more detailed data on what they did, you could enter that under tasks.
4. Put in the total number of hours worked for that volunteer
5. Go to the next volunteer

Since you generally have fewer events than volunteers - it should be easier to record hours under events than under volunteers. To record hours under volunteers would require looking each one up. Also - if you recorded hours that way, it would be tough to ensure you don't accidentally record hours twice because you will see hours worked but you won't know for what.

Hope this helps -

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