This is a question for everyone who has attended these or PTA conferences. I plan to once again push for our group to include in our budget for us to attend conferences. I'm getting lots of voice from the naysayers and would like to have answers for them , so I need to play devil's advocate here for a minute.
Is there really any benefit to your group and school by attending? Are you learning ideas, tips, etc that you wouldn't have, even from this message board? Do the people who attend stay with the board and/or group so that whatever they did benefit from the conference does indeed get pasted on to the group? Is the enthusiasm felt about these ideas, etc still going strong six months or so after attending? How many of the ideas, etc have you actually implemented in your own group? For those of you who paid out alot of travel money plus fees for registration, etc, was the cost worth it? How many of you paid for all or part of the expense out of pocket and how many had it budgeted in the group?
One of the biggest arguments against this from people in my group, including board members, has been that with the PTOToday conferences in the spring and elections held in May, what if we pay all this money out and the person(s) attending isn't re-elected or chooses to not be involved as they were previously? Any experience with that?
Thank you to everyone for answering these questions truthfully. I really want a strong, positve come back against what they consider to be negatives.