We had a great principal before they closed our school. He knew every students name, their siblings names, parents names & their background.He was very hands on & we were extremely lucky to have him. We celebrated March is reading month where our principal would go around to the classrooms reading & we also had parents... come in to read,too. He always got reading month kicked off by reading to the whole school in the gym. He also would read stuff over the p.a. He also had book chacater day where you would dressed as your favorite book character. Then to end it all the pto supplied stuff for icecream sundaes. If the whole school met the reading goal, then our principal had do whatever the kids came up with.(Last year he had to kiss a pig) Maybe that's something you can approach your principal with or something for every month. Good Luck!!! I know with the restructuring of our elementary schools, my Black River students are having a very hard time adjusting to their new school & principal.Black River, our principal, & staff were one of a kind, they were family.
We used to have a suggestion box. One person tallied all the suggestions and gave a copy to the principal as well as the PTO President to discuss things that they could do at the meeting. Ours fell by the wayside at some point before I took an office, but I think parents felt better being able to say something without their name on it. I do remember there were a lot of sugggestions about fundraisers parents wanted to do, granted, had those parents come to meetings they would have had it expalined to them why we weren't doing certain things.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
That's funny, just yesterday our principal said We need to sit down and talk as PTO Officer and Principal. I have went to her as a concerned parent, as an employee of the school and as PTO officer. I have always felt like I could go to her on any level and know that I've been heard. But, I agree with Serendipity. Unless she asked me directly about that subject, I wouldn't say anything either. And if she did ask directly I'd be very careful how I responded.
I guess we are very fortunate that or Principal is very hands on and is involved in everything. In fact we are getting a Mascot costume and she wants to be the one to wear it. Now I've never heard of a Principal wanting to be in a hot, stuffy mascot costume before. I'm glad everything seemed to work out for you. I'm glad I wasn't in that position b/c I tend to be vocal about everything. Sounds like you were very diplomatic in how you handled the situation.