I would be interested in reeiving any forms that you have put together. We sell scrip at our school and thought there might be a way for parents to buy the gift cards that reflect the teachers needs and interests. I agree that something for the classroom makes a lot of sense too. After 2 years of teaching, my sister-in-law had more cnadles, stationary and items with apples on it then she could ever use.
Mine has favorite restaurant, appetizer, store you like to shop at, hobbies, birthday, snacks & drinks, and a school supply wishlist for their classroom. It was extremely useful during teacher appreciation week when I was filling baskets for every teacher.
The favorite restaurant and appetizer is for when I want to give a gift certificate or bring them a special treat for lunch.
When you get your survey completed, could you send me a copy? I'll be the new PTO this year and think that is a great idea. Our school sells scrip as a fund raiser and that info would come in handy. Thanks. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks for all the great responses. I spoke with my son's teacher and she was very excited that I was putting something like this together. As much as they need things for their classroom they do (as does everyone else) enjoy personal gifts. I will be working on the questionnaire this week and will send it to anyone who is interested. Thanks again for your input!
We had our teachers fill out a form like that and put all of them in a binder that stays in the school office. It includes things like their favorite restaurants, hobbies, birthdate, etc. It was neat--we did it for the first time this year.
Our form asks favorite color, special interests (reading, watching movies, etc), fave restaurants, book stores, flower, dessert, places to shop and comments/something else you should know about me.