Oh sorry, I forgot to put my email address so someone can forward me the article
its This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi im a high school junior and im interested in reading this topic for an essay i have to write, can someone forward me this article? I would appreciate it very much.
Hi Kmamom! What you said is so true! I see them every day in the office carrying on! Thank God the normal parents outnumber the crazies! But there are pleanty of Crazies out there!
The only problem I really had with the article is that it's just not teachers who hate those kinds of parents--all "normal" parents can't stand them either!
I had to laugh the other day, I went to get the mail out of the PTO mailbox and here someone had made a copy of the article and put into everyone's mailbox...even the parent group!! I asked the secretaries in the office who did it and they didn't know, I told them I wish I knew so that i could tell them that I already know how to behave bad and Im training rest of the group! They just laughed...
"When you stop learning you stop growing."