I haven't started a PTO from scratch, either, but one of our most important tools is our Bylaws.
Whoever is getting this group off the ground could get a couple of samples form various PTO's in your area or from this forum. Review the samples and make any necessary customizations. The new officers should agree on a final set of bylaws and then propose they be adopted by the members. A formal set of "rules" might seem like overkill for a new organization, but a good set of bylaws can head off disagreements and controversy in the future.
As far as your first events...it would be great if you could do some kind of family event that didn't necessarily raise any money. You could have an ice cream social or a family game night with very little cost. Local merchants would be willing to make donations - especially to help a group like yours get started. A free or "at cost" family event will send the message that your PTO is there to support the school, not just as a fundraising machine. After a successful family night, that first fundraiser will probably be more successful.
I'm also a big fan of budgeting. Even a new PTO can create a budget. You simply need to define the mission of your group so you can identify the ways your group will spend money. Then project your fundraising dollars, and finally proportion those dollars into the major expenses you project. A budget is never perfect, and in the case of a new PTO with no history, it's a guide at best. But it shows your members that the officers are taking this group seriously and won't spend money willy-nilly.
I've never started from scratch but I'd have a meeting right away(within a couple of weeks after school starts). Make sure you provide childcare and maybe refreshments. Start off with forming committees for different areas and ask for volunteers to head the committees. Then I would look for folks interested in serving as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Maybe some people would like to serve as "co". I don't know if you would even need to have elections this first year unless people seem to really want to move that way. I would just try to get some people in place to get things organized and planned for the year. After you get these people in place, I'd task them to brainstorm and come up with ideas in each area(fundraising, membership, volunteers, family activities...). Have another meeting 2-3 weeks later and see what everyone came up with and present ideas to the membership for approval. You're probably going to need a fundraiser right away so you can have some money to work with so really have them concentrate on finding something to try soon.
I'm sure others have more and even better ideas so help out here folks!!!
Our school is a large public elementary school. We are trying to start a new PTO (1st time ever) and I realy need some help. We have a great pool of parents, staff, and administration, but I have no idea where to begin. We have very little fundraising experience so any advice would be great. How do we begin the school year? who are the officers? and when can fundraising begin? Thank you!