We too have our's by the "Y" and we are K-12. Not too many students over the age of 12 are in the after school program but the "Y" seems to have more programs and can take the kids are feild trips on days off or teacher work days. They also offer assistance to those that need it, lots of paperwork but it helps.
Our after school program is operated by the YMCA/YWCA. We are elementary level so I don't know if they offer a junior high program, but it would be worth checking out.
Our school provides an afterschool program. (It is not provided by PTO) They charge $5 a day. It is run by one teacher and one teachers aide. Also about 4 or five people come in to help. (They are paid, but aren't a daytime school worker.) This is extremely popular! We have tons of kids. They play outside in the gym, etc. We have one room they are stationed in, it has an outside door. When a arent arrives they have two way radios and call other areas of the school to send the child.
We have after-school clubs that we offer to the kids. We have between 10-15 each semester. The types of clubs that we have range from a chess club to a choir and even a Harry Potter Club. Most if our clubs don't require money, but we have put in the budget that they can request $100 per club. We get a parent volunteer with a staff sponsor to run the club. The kids always look forward to what different clubs will be offered.
We are a poverty county and we qualify for Title I. I am not sure if this is a state or federal program, but it allows us money for ESS (extended school services) At my sons' school it pays for a cooridinator, 4 cerified teachers, 3 teachers with college education, and 2 aides. The teacher's get money for supplies and the children have to be referred. It is not for "babysitting".
We also have the 21st Century Grant which I am pretty sure is a federal grant. It pays for a recreational person for our ESS. At one school, hopefully by next year 3 schools, it provides before and after school prorams. Which is for "babysitting". There is a small fee for before and after school. Also the 21st grant provides adult ed classes. I am glad we have it, our community has really benefitted from it. [img]smile.gif[/img]
Has any PTO done this? We are a new middle school in need of an affordable after school program. The first year we had the local Parks and Recreation Department run, it but it was too expensive. Any ideas?