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PTO at school registration?

22 years 10 months ago #63493 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: PTO at school registration?
I'm glad LUVMYKIDS mentioned the T-Shirts. We always have our new school t-shirt ready to see at all the start of school events - registration, kindergarten roundup, first week of school, etc. These are the very best times to sell the T-shirts.

If the PTO is going to handle T-shirts but you're too new to have funds for the initial order or just too uncertain about quantities, then at least have your order form available.
22 years 10 months ago #63492 by lliband
Replied by lliband on topic RE: PTO at school registration?
also being new to pto and having a lack of participation, we started at the kindergarten round-up this past month. we had a packet about our group and things we did this year as well as a sign up early sheet. so far we have gotten ten replies to volunteer and be a part of the organization. this is over half of last years signups. we do not have a registration day but we will be doing as everyone else at the back to school night.
22 years 10 months ago #63491 by LUVMYKIDS
We have a table at registration each year. We print pamphlets that give a brief description of the programs we sponsor, and list the officers for the current year and their phone numbers. We also have a Room Parent program and have the sign up sheets at the table. Last year we began a collection program for school supplies and had a box at registration. This year we will be selling school t-shirts. Typically, the officers staff the table. It gives us a chance to meet parents and "sell" the organization.

Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.
22 years 10 months ago #63490 by schoolscool
Replied by schoolscool on topic RE: PTO at school registration?
We are regulars at registration or Back to School Day as we call it. PTO has a table set up for a membership drive. We also sell spirit items, school supplies, we have Market Day samples, and packets of information including meeting dates, chairperson sign up, state our pto objectives etc. We try to make our "station" (there are about 7 the parents check in at) festive with decorations and give out popcorn(provided we have enough volunteers to man the "station". Hope this helps!! Good Luck
22 years 10 months ago #63489 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: PTO at school registration?
I think this is pretty common. For us, it varies from having a packet of PTO information (welcome letter, newsletter, membership form, volunteer form) included in the folder of registration papers to having a PTO booth on site during the key times when lots of people are there.

We have the literature, sometimes posters, information about upcoming events, opportunities to volunteer for committees, etc.

One thing I've found helps is printing specific PTO nametags. We wear these all year at meetings and when in the school. It makes us more recognizeable. During registration, it's pretty confusing - especially for the new parents. This way they know who we are just by looking.
22 years 10 months ago #63488 by lenojen
PTO at school registration? was created by lenojen
We are a fairly new PTO (elected to the offices in the middle of the current school year). The idea was brought up to have the PTO at school registration to offer information about "The PTO" (when our meetings are etc.) Do any of you have any suggestions or any experience with this type of PTO activity?
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