I'm right with dlf. Our principals have always been an integral part of our parent groups. I don't ever remember a topic that was discussed during a meeting in which the parents and teachers wouldn't have wanted the principal involved. Having a cooperative and positive relationship with the principal is key to having a successful organization in my opinion. If you look around on the forum, you will find many discussions of just how rough a PTO's life can be if they don't get along with their principal.
Our pincipal is always there (thank goodness). She provides valuable input into what is feasible and what is not and given all of her years as an educator brings a huge amount to the table. I'm careful to let her know what topics may come up so that no one is blindsided and that can sometimes include controversial topics. I see the principal, the teacher, parents and myself as a team. That is the way we are most effective!
I had my first PTO meeting, not really structured. The Principal was there and I was very surprised and some parents were not happy about it. It was discussed on a school forum and things got ugly. The teachers are up in arms about excluding the Principal. She thinks we have a hidden agenda, but I really feel a PTO is just that, teachers and parents.