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teacher's week

17 years 3 weeks ago #140511 by hi there...
Replied by hi there... on topic RE: teacher's week
When we did the "Hollywood" theme for our Teacher's Luncheon a Mom spray painted gold paint on dollar store ken dolls. The feet were nailed to a block of wood (painted black). It was so funny! Each teacher received an award that looked like an oscar award and we said something special about each teacher as they received their award - It was memorable.
17 years 3 weeks ago #140484 by hi there...
Replied by hi there... on topic RE: teacher's week
I'm a teacher that enjoys having about 15 different aides working with some of my classes during the week. I try to do a little something to express my appreciation for their support about once a month. They really seemed to like my little present that I gave them for January. I made little date books for important dates for each person. I maily used scrap pieces of cardstock that I had left over from scrapbooking. I cut the cardstock into tag shape pieces. Copied the names of the months and about ten lines under it and glued them to the card stock. I put all of them together with a ring from the craft store (for keyrings or the hinged kind). I was able to use up supplies and it surprised even me as to how much they liked them. I did decorate some of them with specific motifs because I happened to know that one loves dogs one loves birds, etc. I decorated them with rubber stamps but just about anything would work. Also, I gave them each a writing pen that cooridinated with their Important Days calendar. I discovered that if you purchase inexpensive pens with clear, fat, barrels that you can unscrew the cap to get to the inside of the pen. I printed their names out in pretty colors and fonts then cut them out and inserted it into the barrel of each pen. I wrote a thank you note and clipped the items together and put them in their mail box. I was able to do it all for an average of $1.00 per person.
17 years 3 weeks ago #140475 by Tommy's Mom
Replied by Tommy's Mom on topic RE: teacher's week
to PTOMOM3 boys...I love your ideas...just the boost we needed! thanks. Tommy's mom
17 years 3 weeks ago #140474 by Tommy's Mom
Replied by Tommy's Mom on topic RE: teacher's week
:confused: I am working with a PTA in a middle school after having done work with an elementary school for a couple years...and I, along with some other moms and the principal, are of the opinion that the Staff Appreciation week at our schools needs to be scaled back. Upwards of 20-percent of our budget has been allocated for staff gifts/recognition/luncheons etc. and we'd like to see that money go to the students instead.

That said, at the elementary school we've always done a catered luncheon on Friday for the teachers and staff including crossing guards and bus drivers. We decorate the tables and offer a nice lunch. However, because the breaks are taken at different times, the teachers don't get a chance to sit down together and visit. We get stragglers...and it seems unfulfilling.

At the middle school, in years past, the parents have done a breakfast on monday, dessert event on Wednesday and luncheon on Friday. We're going to shorten it to having the kids bring in flowers on Monday and do desserts only on Friday. (Not everyone on the PTA agrees, however)

Any thoughts?
17 years 4 weeks ago #140471 by seagee
Replied by seagee on topic RE: teacher's week
I have read your wonderful suggestions. I am most interested in the carwash idea. How many people will I need to help to pull this off? We have a large school with about 55 teachers. Can we wash all 55 cars in a day:confused:?
For those who have done this before what are your suggestions?

I did have an idea of placing an air freshner in the car with a cute note after the car wash.
Thank you for your help.
17 years 4 weeks ago #140406 by dlf
Replied by dlf on topic RE: teacher's week
We've gone all over the map with things. We try to do something special each day--ice cream sundaes, luncheon, extended breaks, donuts and coffee cart...but the one thing we do that I usually get emails about is "Teacher thank you Thursday". During the appreciation week I write an editorial to the local newspaper about the great work of our teachers and coordinate to have it published that Thursday. We also encourage the kids to write a thank you note -- any child can do it and it doesn't cost a penny--and folks really notice.

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