and along the same lines.....if the principal is moving to town, does she have kids,,,and will they enroll in the public schools (or will be at a private school)?
there is no greater lack of confidence in a principal than one that doenst belive in the local system they are running, thru thier own choices.
it might be a peronsal question of the NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS variety, but if they DONT want to answer they obsiouly dont have to, but whats to hide?
of course they are childless....nevermind all that!
I would also be very interested in what their priorities will be. These may end up affecting the PTO.
For example, this year we have a new Principal and his priorities have to do with technology in the school. He has taken the school's networking wireless, has the morning announcements on Podcast and we are working with him to raise funds for a portable laptop cart to provide interactive learning opportunities.
One question that I know was asked when out new Principal was being interviewed was whether or not he planned to move to the school's town. This seemed important to some members ad it showed whether he would be involved in the town as well as the school.
You might also ask if there was/is a parent group at their previous school, how active the group was/is and what their role was/is with that group. hearing positive responses about the other parent group and their successes would probably bode well for your group.
I would also ask their opinion and ideas on parent involvement in the school if that is not already on the list of questions.
I did it 2 years ago. The current principal or superintendent will already have a list of prepared questions that must be asked by them during the interview. However, additional questions may be asked at the end if something is not covered already. As the PTO representative, I asked how they thought they would introduce themselves to the students of the school as well as the parents so that students can make the transition more easily and parents can learn of their philosophy. You may also ask what they feel their role will be with the PTO be and how deeply will they be involved? You want to get a feel as to whether they will dictate how things will run (as many threads have indicated on this website) or will they create a cooperative partnership with the PTO.
Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
I was asked to be part of the interview process for our new principal. Any ideas on what questions to ask that pertain to his/her involvement in PTO???