dlf hit the nail on the head. Unless there are extraordinary circumstances that clearly dictate a change, then the announced procedure should be followed.
If you are voted in then it sounds like you will be part of the majority and help with the cleanup. If you (even as the only candidate) are not voted in, then the Pres can announce another process.
They should have the vote. If there is only one person on the ballot for the position that doesn't automatically mean they will get the position. They can vote in the person running or VOTE to extend the deadline to look for candidates. Majority still rules. If the candidate doesn't get the majority, the search to fill the position continues.
I do have doubts about wanting to be part of this group however not all of them feel this way. It is mainly the president who is acting like this. The by-laws (if that is what you want to call them) are not complete. There is nothing stated in them about what to do in this situtation. My main reason for running is because the previous treasurers have not done things right and it is in sad shape. I think I can help and change that. They still have not filled for non-profit and are paying fines because of it. I am afraid as a parent of the school that if she is able to get a friend in-is anything really going to change. We need someone who can make a difference for the better.
Jaylynne, what do your bylaws say about replacing an officer? For example, mine says:
Section 8 – Vacancy
In the event a vacancy occurs in an office during the school year, the PTO Board may appoint a PTO member to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the year.
That's pretty vague and, honestly, we never needed to apply it. If we had, it seems that we would have had the same choice your group does. We could define how we wanted to handle it at the time. That said, once the decision is made and the process is publicly announced, then we would follow the process through to the end.
I agree with the others. It's shady of them to alter the process while they wait for their 'friend' to apply. I, too, would have to reconsider wanting to be part of that group.
I have talked to one other board member who says that the board is split on what to do. They are an even number right now because of the open position. My concerns are: if she is playing favorites and her lack of communcation to the parents even if I wasn't running and is it right to allow parents to drop on the ballot today if they did not meet the deadline.
jaylynne, that theyre changing the rules as they go is not a good start to things, you might want to consider if you even want to get into a working or volunteering relationship, with someone that operates like that.
Just because you do not take an interest in
politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. ........Pericles (430 B.C.)