inHI, you could at next mtg, solicit donations to refund the outgoing president.....and then tell her how much support/nonsupport she received to her request, from those she once led. surely if the majority find her request reasonable, she would have NO trouble getting her money back. and at the worst, at least she will know how her request was received by the parent body. seems reasonable to me to put it to the entire PTO, her request, since your bylaws dontg have a rule, maybe ask the PTO folks how they want to handle it, and then YOU are not the heavy messenger,,,,the parent body will have spoken.
Shdylady - That would have been a good one to put in the school newsletter. Maybe if all the other parents knew of this occurance the "supportive" parent would have to answer to such actions from their peers.
serendipity - we must have coffee one day! love your last line. short and to the point.
Words are like spices, too many is worse than too few. Joan Aiken.
Hi Volunteer! I like your idea of noting it in the school paper, but no matter how much of a nut the person was we would not do that and nor would our principal be tolerant of us doing such a thing.
I agree with you on the setting a precedent thing, but in the case of this poster it seems like an isolated case. This was a bitter president who stepped down and not just your average Joe parent. So clearly there were issues and something that went on that caused this person to quit and now run around demanding her money back.
Sometimes I just think life is too short to walk around angry and get wrapped up and ropped into the insanity of others. I am sure this person asked for the money back just to be a thorn in their side, make them angry and upset and keep this battle raging. I never let anybody get my goat and keep me battling over nonesense. So for me I would just hand the money over and tell her to go spend it on therapy.
serendipity - i LOVE Your wy of thinking, would normally agree totally, but IF you refund ONE customer, that sets a precedent, and then anyone else thereafter (shuold there be other juvenile adults at taht school) would also have to be refunded. maybe tehy could post teh refund request and statement that they will honor it as a one time thing, and publish it in the shcool newsletter, so ALL the parent body knows what transpired and why, and that it was a one off occurrence, (and at the same time it might teach taht parent a much needed lesson!)