When we finished our new bylaws, we distributed copies at our first meeting for anyone who wanted them, put in our newsletter that they were available in the office, and then we voted on them at the next meeting. If you feel like you need to get this done at this first meeting, then I would think that posting them on a website and having copies available by request should be enough. That night you could have a few copies available and maybe do an overhead or computer presentation and quickly review them before voting.
Over the summer, the Executive Board drafted an set of bylaws, since our group has never had them. We want to adopt them at our first meeting in September. It's a nine page document. We originally thought to provide a copy to every parent the week before with the meeting's agenda, but on second thought, that could break our copying budget. How do we ge the draft out? Is posting on a website and having copies available for the asking a week before the vote enough (this info listed on the agenda, sent out to all parents, a week in advance, and perhaps our school 's weekly newsletters)? Other suggestions? We don't want to delay the process.