I would at least add a Secretary in there. I know that for us adding committees helped to draw some people in to help, because they could pick one thing that really interested them and concentrate on that. When the event was over then their job was done. I guess my one concern would be how much power goes to your board. If they make lots of big decisions, then having only two or three people making them could be bad. If everything goes to the membership, then it shouldn't hurt.
We are only in our second year and still discussing how to keep ourselves going. Our current thinking is to pare down our officers to just President and Treasurer, then operate through committees and committee chairs. For example, we would have a committee for Movie Night, Fundraising, Scrip sales, Holiday Shop, and Staff Appreciation. That way, each member has a focus, and the president doesn't end up running everything. We think this may be a good way to keep leadership fresh also. Any opinions? :cool: