I don't know the rules like alot of people on this board do. I would think that if a motion was made it would stick until the subject was brought up again to do away with it or change it. Other wise you would have to keep repeating motions all the time. We have had this to happen about attendance meeting prizes. It was a little sticky because the motion was made years ago then amended that the teacher had to be there in order to receive the prizes, then when it was questioned the motion was redone to apply to only the teachers that were there by a teacher and that is what still sticks. It only took a few minutes of the meeting. If people have questions about it I would go ahead and put it on the agenda for discussion.
When a motion was made years ago, do you have to follow it forever? ie, Like a motion was made to give each class a "prize" for who ever had highest attendance at meetings--motion made 8-10 years ago, program faded out, no current board member is around to remember that motion was made or even remember when it was done--we ran across it looking for something else. But it was a motion made--do we still follow it, amend it, ignore it? And what about all of the other motions made--I am not referring to bylaws.