Why is your principal doing the ordering?? You need to be able to work with your principal, but that person should not be the one to control your funds nor your ordering process! If the prohect is approved by your board and the principal is a memeber of that board, yet can come back after the fact and delay or even cancel without explaination approved projects of that board then you do indeed have a serious problem. You amy need to speak with an attorney or the Education board. Do you have a working relationship with your board of education representative?
I need your help! We are a new school with a new principal with a new PTO. Our Parent Teacher Group has been very active since last spring trying to raise money for a playground for our new school and now also incorperate other expenses as well. The problem is...To many of the active families, myself included, it seems that our principal is sabitasing all of our events. Here is an example: In May of 2003 the fundraising committee gave the principal an order for her to approve, issue a check and send in for supplies needed for our town feild day on July 5. She told me two weeks later that she sent in the order. July 3rd comes around and we still have no supplies. I call the company to see what was going on. They inform me that they just got the order on July 1 and sent it out express that same day. That was two weeks after she told me she sent it! Friday being a holiday UPS doesn't ship nor do they for the weekend. So our plans for the fundraiser are a complete flop after months of planning. When I comfront her (nicely) all she said was "the mail system is so unpredictable". We had a bake sale at our open house last night. She approved this over a month ago (before school even started). She tells me the day before that she ordered cookies from the kitchen she "hopes this doesn't interfere with the back sale". It seems to all of us that she is constantly going behind our backs if you will and changing things and overriding decision with out even telling or discussing it with the PTO members. We have not yet received out PTO packet with all the info about by-laws and such so we have no idea if this is a normal thing, what her official capacity in the PTO really is. There have just been so many things piling up that many of us are ready to walk but we don't want to because it is for the kids. Can anyone help us? You can also email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you!
Lisa B
acting President