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nominating committees

24 years 11 months ago #55381 by Fatherof1
Replied by Fatherof1 on topic RE: nominating committees
Hello WisKim, Kate & Kaylee

I happen to be a dad involved in a PTO in my sons school. This is my second year and what I need to know is:1) I'm involved in my schools nominating committee and we have to nominate a new president. What do I have to do? 2) Is there anything else I would have to know before the voting? Appreciation is going out for any answers. Thanks
25 years 2 weeks ago #55380 by Kaylee
Replied by Kaylee on topic RE: nominating committees
Regarding Nominations there is an excellent book that you can use as your guideline and amend them to suit your PTO's needs.... it is Roberts Rules of Order. I recommend that you either borrow it from library or purchase is to use as a tool for your organization. Anytime something is not covered in your by laws you can refer to it. We have a clause in our by laws that states if the issue or topic is unclear... refer to Roberts Rules of Order.
As a side note... dont be too upset that your organization wasnt following the bylaws..that happens more times than NOT.
Good luck with nominations I know from our school that this can be the most "touchy" committee considering all the personalties and the conflicts that can cause. Good Luck
25 years 2 weeks ago #55379 by Kate
Replied by Kate on topic RE: nominating committees
Hi WisKim,

There are books at the library on these topics. Its been so long I can't remember the offical name of topic. But you can ask your librarian to help you get books on how to running meetings in an offical way. Warning - they are really dry. There are also books on fundraising and and grant writing. I believe if someone seconds a nomination at a meeting they are in and its offical.

It is so hard to find volunteers, if someone says yes to a position - take them up on it.

25 years 2 weeks ago #55378 by WisKim
nominating committees was created by WisKim
I'd first like to say how much I appreciate this board. I've learned alot so far.
This is my first year as President and our entire executive board is new this year. I've read our bylaws and things have not been done the way they should be in the past. We're supposed to have a nominating committee for officers. My question is how exactly does this work? We do have a small school of 122 kids grades 1-5. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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