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Playground equipment

18 years 1 week ago #127654 by Unregistered
Replied by Unregistered on topic RE: Playground equipment
your district director of facilities should have ample info on these types of infos. if not, ask the superintendent, s/he will know whre to find the info you need since it concerns the school grounds and that is there responsibility to make sure its safe and complies with their internal policys
18 years 1 week ago #127638 by Unregistered
Replied by Unregistered on topic RE: Playground equipment
We are currently reviewing our school's playground safety policy. In all the research done for your projects have you encountered discussions and/or guidelines for natural fencing or hard fencing around the playground?
Thank you for any help.
18 years 1 week ago #127441 by Unregistered
Replied by Unregistered on topic RE: Playground equipment
how about this for an idea (and less injuries like fractures) our group paid for low cost items like new jump ropes, balls for four square, handball, states games (painted on black top) tetherball, etc etc and all kinds of playground equipment that DONT require expensive set ups, and installation fees that can add 25% to the total cost above and beyond the structure, and maintenance like regular mulch addition and repainting etc that adds up, and who is responsible to pay for themaintenance, the parent group or the school?some schools wont even pay for toner when the printer was donated by the parents, buecaeuse its not in the budget.

sometimes the oldfashioned ways to play and exercise, are an option worth considereing, if funds are limited. and gets kids to interact with each other in small teams.
18 years 1 week ago #127434 by zeekaboo
Replied by zeekaboo on topic RE: Playground equipment
We have 13 elementary schools in our town. Our school is one of the most populus (over 500 students) and there is no way our town (even with the taxes we pay) does anything for the schools playgrounds. It seems like the PTO's/PTA's have this responsability squarly on their shoulders. We have started fundraising for our new playground this year. We have chosen a vendor, gotten grant applications out and have started soliciting buisness for possible contribution.
We are looking at raising about $100,000 ourselves. We have several special needs classes and students, and need to make the playground accessable to them as well. We hate to play the 'poor us' card, but these kids deserve to play as hard as the next child. We are using this to our advantacge, by trying not to leave any child out of their deserved playground. This includes going as far as having a rubber surface installed, so those in wheelchairs can access the equipment too.
Good luck to all of those trying to raise a tremendous amount of money, for a tremendous cause!

If you believe, you can achieve.
18 years 1 week ago #127396 by reruho
Replied by reruho on topic RE: Playground equipment
I don't know how large a town you live in, but have you approached the City Council? Our CC give grants for playgrounds but they do have some strings attached. One if the strings here is that the playground must be open to the public after school hours. Talk to the principal.

I really hate the thought of parents raising all this money ($90,000.) for a playground. I have alway held the belief that the school should provide this, just they provide desks for students. Just think of the things that could be done with all that money.
18 years 1 month ago #55303 by waxhawmom
Replied by waxhawmom on topic RE: Playground equipment
I am chair of a playground improvement committee at our school. We also had equipment that was over 30 years old that had to be replaced due to age and safety violations. We have raised over $90,000 for this project in two years, and I am happy to say that the final installation of equipment is occurring right now over Winter Break. My suggestion to you would be to form a committee and formulate a playground plan/budget. We surveyed our students and teachers to determine their wants and needs. Then we worked extensively with Gametime on the plan and budget - they are great. Contact them through their website and they will put you in touch with their local rep. The most important thing to remember is that the equipment you select must conform to all national and industry safety standards. Go to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's website and download the Handbook for Public Playground Safety - it's free. Then try to find a certified playground inspector to inspect what you have now (we found ours through a local university)for two reasons: to see if anything is salvagable, and if it is, what needs to be done to make it as safe as possible until a new piece of equipment can be purchased to replace it. An inspection report is very valuable when you apply for grants or ask for equipment sponsors - people see your request as a "need", not a "luxury" due to the safety issue. Look for local sources for grants - you have a better chance of receiving those. We have received over half our funds through grants. And don't forget to work closely with the appropriate people in your school system (for us it was the facilities dept.)on this project too. We received over $40,000 in grant monies from our school system's grant program. We have held many fundraisers as well - a penny drive, putt-putt tournament, swing-a-thon (like a walk-a-thon), and BBQs. Whatever would work for your area. Feel free to check out our website, for any information on our project to see if it gives you any ideas. Good luck! It will be a very worthy project!
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