applying for EIN
The PTO needs to apply for an EIN. What are future liabilities for the person who submits the form,...
Asked by Anonymous in Nonprofit Status & Organization
How do we choose next years fundraiser?
We are thinking of having a fundraiser extravaganza where we invite 5-6 companies in tondo a 10 minute...
Asked by W1971a in Fundraising
Selling cookies
Can we (the PTO) sell cookies donated by a grocery store at the PTO's fundraising event?
Asked by patiallison in Fundraising
Spanish Flyer for Baggies
I am looking for the Spanish version of the flyer that prints 4 to a page to insert in the Ziploc bags...
Asked by Lupe71 in Communications
previous person left
We need to find out and change the email and password for our school since the previous person left the...
Asked by TrinitySchool in Communications
Pizza Donation Request letter
Does anyone have a template or could help me create a letter seeking a pizza donation from a local pizza...
Asked by missy42983 in Events, Programs, & Activities
Bank Account
I would like to know that is it up to the principle on what type of bank account we have? I went to the...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Starting a New PTO
I am very interested in starting a new PTO at my daughter's school. They currently have no parent group...
Asked by Charlia45 in Events, Programs, & Activities
With disband of PTA, can the PTA donate to the already established PTO?
With disband of PTA, can the PTA donate to an already established PTO within the same school? We are...
Asked by emilygrunewaldmk in Finance & Budget
Dissolving PTO
We have decided to dissolve our PTO group due to no volunteers from parents or teachers and no one wanting...
Asked by cartercf in Bylaws