Silent Auction Baskets
Hi My group is hosting a silent auction/gala fundraiser. We have collected many goods and services by...
Asked by marilynw in Fundraising
What discussions can be had at a PTO meeting?
Our school administration does not want our PTO meetings to include discussions of curriculum, standardized...
Asked by mnoti in The Principal
PTO claims state has only copy of bylaws
Hello, my board has told me that the copy of the bylaws that we have at the school is not the "real"...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Use of PTO Funds
Can a school Principal use PTO funds to barbeque for the staff and District Office officials?
Asked by Anonymous in The Principal
New Board
We are starting an official (middle school) parent group. Can we have a "board" w/o actual officer titles?
Asked by CristineB in Elections & Transition
remove term limits
can a pto remove term limits even if there are other parents interested in the position?
Asked by mistievn in Bylaws
what to do when the secretary quits pto
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
removing term limits?
We have a unique situation, our PTO was originated for a homeschool that had classes once a week. This...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Sample 50/50 Raffle Ticket
Does anyone have a sample 50/50 Raffle ticket they created and is willing to share?
Please email...
Asked by JosieD in Fundraising
Auction tag line
I need some creative ideas! Our school is hosting our next auction to raise funds to overhaul our playground....
Asked by hgausselin in Events, Programs, & Activities