Can the PTO go on a hiatus?
What do the current officers do if no one new will run for office? Can we remain in office (since we...
Asked by Anonymous in Leadership
Outside of USA?
Can this grant be used for countries outside of the US. I am coming from Rwanda where there are no playgrounds!
Asked by JR123 in Bylaws
How do I show I am a pto plus member when registering for an event?
Asked by reneerb in Events, Programs, & Activities
Volunteer Shifts
Can I plan events and volunteer shifts?
Asked by akerzner in Volunteers & Involvement
Policy and Procedure Manual Needed
We are a fairly new PTO trying to get organized. Does anyone have a Policy and Procedure manual put...
Asked by hollygooch in Bylaws
Fitness Night - planning kit request
How can I purchase a planning kit for Fitness Night?
A coworker and myself have planned this event for...
Asked by in Events, Programs, & Activities
Removing the parlimentarian from our panel of officers
What is the procedure for removing our parlimentarian from office? She is not filling her position and...
Asked by BezB in Elections & Transition
I am Dawn Lagardo president of the Pto at Rosefield, I need to find out who is able to use our web in...
Asked by dlagardo in Communications
Combining PTOs from the same district
Is there any experience in combining PTOs in the same school district? For example, elementary, middle...
Asked by Francie in Leadership