Does a shared board position get 2 votes?
We recently allowed our PTO Executive Board Position of Fundraising Manager to become a shared position...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Vendor/craft Fair
I am heading my schools very first vendor/craft fair and I have no idea what I'm doing ! I have several...
Asked by jcutroni625 in Events, Programs, & Activities
Hostile takeover
We have a PTO board and a very active PTO. The president submitted a resignation letter on 8/16/17 effective...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
How do you fill a new positions properly under a bylaw change of adding a n...
I need help! We are holding a special meeting to update our bylaws to add a co-chair to VP of Student...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
We are forming our PTO currently. I think, because of our size, that I want to do an independent group...
Asked by challam in Volunteers & Involvement
Executive Board
Can Executive Board Meetings/PTSO General Meetings be held if there is only one person? At the end of...
Asked by garcia04 in Officers & Board
PTO bylaws
I took over the schools PTO and other groups at our school,
My questions:
Our Executive Board is the...
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Car Smash
Any recommendations on how to get spectator coverage for a car bash fundraising event? Every place i...
Asked by MMFBC in Fundraising
PTO's acting as an ATM for teachers
We are beginning to start our new school year and as acting president I have reservations with the way...
Asked by Cassyh in The Principal
President Resigned
Our President resigned which according to our bylaws our VP would assume the role and assign the other...
Asked by sueannephillips in Bylaws