New PTO - who can vote?
We have established a new pto and in our bylaws it states that all members within good standing are eligible...
Asked by pcamp in Meetings & Robert's Rules
Fall Carnival - Selling Vendor Tables
Trying to find out any specific rules on selling vendor space at out Carnival. Plan was to sell tables...
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
PTO not allowed to spend money from budget line item
Is it right that the Cultural Arts Rep. (a teacher) has full control over a line item on our budget,...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget
Can the PTA have their own letterhead?
Asked by LADONNA in Communications
Dynamic Calendar For Website Homepage
We are wanting a calendar on our homepage that parents can click on and get more information if necessary....
Asked by Firefly7071 in Communications
Previous President still wants to be President.
I am having trouble with the previous years President talking down to me in meetings and just being rude....
Asked by Anonymous in Communications
public support
"most PTOs are 100% publicly supported" is a quote from your site. How is this true with Scrip programs...
Asked by vboundy in Finance & Budget
PTO Meetings and Devotions
Is it legal to have devotions at a PTO meeting if we are not a Christian school?
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
signing up
there are two schools in my town that are signed up but neither of them are the one that my child attends....
Asked by DeReeW in Communications
National PTA Requesting Money from newly formed PTO
Our school has just become incorporated and plan on filing for 501c3 status soon. The National PTA has...
Asked by Anonymous in Finance & Budget