Does the pto have any legal rights?
Our school board removed the PTO from the school last year.. we have completed all thier requirements...
Asked by Anonymous in Officers & Board
Was there ever a form created for fundraising that answers projection, purpose, expense, etc.? If so...
Asked by P-A-M in Finance & Budget
Question for the collective :-) we are a PA and thinking of becoming a PTA BUT I just found out the teachers...
Asked by jhirschman in Elections & Transition
Treasurer and Financial Secretary
A Parent decided that she wanted her friend to be our Financial Secretary, which we have never had that...
Asked by firstnoel in Finance & Budget
Prize Winner Question - two top winners
I have a quick question. For our top winner in our Walk-A-Thon, the child who raised the most money...
Asked by TurtleCricket in Events, Programs, & Activities
starting a pto
We are trying to start a PTO at our junior/senior high school. We have had 2 meetings, but for some reason...
Asked by Anonymous in The Principal
returned check from a parent for a fundraiser
What do we do about a parent who took all the money people paid her for their merchandise for our fundraiser?...
Asked by mommyhawk in Fundraising
Not a 501 3(c)...what Taxes to file?
I am the new Treasurer for this school year. There were virtually NO records kept last year and all board...
Asked by jeciwall28 in Finance & Budget
School board has to approve all PTO activities??
We are a newly started PTO, we are trying to gain our start up costs(non profit, ect) and have been offered...
Asked by Momma2ahandfull in Fundraising
need for 501c3 status?
Our school is considering formalizing our parent organization with bylaws, mission & board. The current...
Asked by kbmagner in Nonprofit Status & Organization