when can we apply for grants?
We have finally finished filling out form 1023!!!! Thanks to the Start Up Toolkit. My question is we...
Asked by j_wright1976@hotmail.com in Nonprofit Status & Organization
How much to pay with 1023 form
I’m working on the 1023 form and it gives 2 different dollar amounts to pay. This is our first school...
Asked by j_wright1976@hotmail.com in Nonprofit Status & Organization
finances/ filing years taxes
This is our first year as a corp. We have been told we must file a tax return. Curently there is about...
Asked by Shirley2 in Finance & Budget
Need a Good Name for a Parent Only Raffle Fundraiser
Hello - We're having a fundraiser in March for parents only. In the past this has simply been called...
Asked by Anonymous in Fundraising
What should you do when President is in substantial violation of bylaws?
What should you do when your president is in substantial violation of your PTO bylaws and you are just...
Asked by firefighter464 in Bylaws
BoxTops for Education wrote checks payable to our PTO but we were inactive...
3 years ago all officers resigned our PTO and there were no meetings, no minutes etc. but BoxTops for...
Asked by firefighter464 in Finance & Budget
Our president has been accused of misconduct. Can she preside over the meet...
Is it unethical for an officer to preside over a meeting where misconduct of the officer is the subject...
Asked by firefighter464 in Meetings & Robert's Rules
If our PTO is inactive as 501(3)c can we have a fundraiser and is this a fu...
3 years ago all officers resigned and we've had no meetings, minutes, etc. for 3 years. we did not dissolve...
Asked by firefighter464 in Finance & Budget
If I resigned as officer 3 years ago can I still write PTO checks?
3 years ago all officer resigned due to apathy at school. WE did not dissolve the organization. Had $...
Asked by firefighter464 in Finance & Budget
im trying to put a pto together at my kids school they already have Pal. The lady that runs the PAL...
Asked by angel zamarripa in Events, Programs, & Activities