Compensation for enrichment program volunteers
Our PTO funds a several week science program/fair. Should the person coordinating be compensated and...
Asked by jadynsmom729 in Events, Programs, & Activities
Voting Rules
Is there a minimun amount of members participating in a vote required? Our by-laws are very high level...
Asked by Df.asha in Finance & Budget
District PTOs
Has anyone heard of school districts making individual school ptos one big unit? Benefits/downsides?...
Asked by ptorocks2 in Officers & Board
PTO using school's EIN - how does this work?
Our PTO uses the district's EIN for its bank account. Does this make it a committee of the district...
Asked by bythebook in Finance & Budget
pto registry
How do I register my pto
Asked by Anonymous in Bylaws
Post-Event Feedback Requests
Have any of you requested parents/families to fill out a survey regarding the event they just attended?...
Asked by Anonymous in Events, Programs, & Activities
fundraiser fraud by a parent
What can the PTO do when a parent is committing fraud through our fundraiser? She collected order and...
Asked by lori14 in Fundraising
Announcement of Funds
Are you supposed to announce to the parents and teachers how much money the PTO has? I know if asked,...
Asked by OWESminutetaker in Communications
Ohio PTOs
Recently Ohio passed a law basically banning non-healthy snacks from being sold during school hours.......
Asked by PTOMOMKVP in Fundraising
Teacher Led Fundraiser
Our teachers would like to earn a little money for the PTO before the holiday. One teacher had the suggestion...
Asked by mhumes in Fundraising