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Q&A: Elections & Transition
My school is not listed anymore
I saw my school listed earlier. But it is not there anymore. How is that?
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
I have several parents interested in becoming parent representatives. Our elections were held in May....
Asked by maresad in Elections & Transition
Minutes from last meeting
Does a copy of the minutes from the last meeting of the last school year need to be brought to the first...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
treasurer resigned
I'm the new president, and the newly appointed treasurer just resigned due to family issues. The previous...
Asked by newpres33 in Elections & Transition
President not providing new officers with information
Previous President refuses to provide me with any information. I am the newly elected President and...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Transition of treasure
Our PTO board was completely new this year and had very little to go by. As the year ends, we are having...
Asked by Carlyvvpto in Elections & Transition
Full Board Needed
We had our PTO Elections and we voted in our new president, VP, and Secretary. We still need a treasurer...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
Anyone do electronic voting for officers?
Our PTO does not currently host monthly parent meetings. Parents are invited to attend the board business...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition
No Secretary
We just had our annual elections. All positions except for the secretary position is filled. Our bi-laws...
Asked by Auntkimy@gmail.com in Elections & Transition
PTO Election
Several members of our PTO are stepping down at the end of the year but we have one more public meeting...
Asked by Anonymous in Elections & Transition