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Q&A: Volunteers & Involvement
Volunteers NOT in the PTO
Our school has volunteers that are NOT members of the PTO, any suggestions on how to welcome them to...
Asked by tlk1990 in Volunteers & Involvement
A letter to recruit room parents
I am the room parent coordinator for our Elementary school. For as long as I can remember, the school's...
Asked by prairiet in Volunteers & Involvement
Fundraiser Participation
I have a question about fundraisers, we have approx. 550 students in k-5. When we do a fundraiser, we...
Asked by rebatw in Volunteers & Involvement
Unpaid members on School Grounds
Are unpaid members of a PTA with no children present at a particular school allowed on school grounds...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Senior Awards Night
The PTO has been ask to provide Dinner for Senior Awards Night, last minute. Being this is last minute...
Asked by TMHS20132014 in Volunteers & Involvement
No question - Reflections On My PTO Service
Stepping up on my soap box…
I was familiar with the “80/20 Principle” or Pareto’s Law, which...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
New Parents Club for Public Middle School
We recently formed a Parents Club for a public Middle School. We have had typically 3 people show up...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement
Questionnaire to get parents input on how to get them involved
I am in the position where I may be moving from Secretary to President for the upcoming year. Our attendance...
Asked by kbryant10 in Volunteers & Involvement
is there a place on the net where we can print out some box tops for education?
Asked by mindykj22 in Volunteers & Involvement
member in good standing
Is it proper to request a ban of individual(s) from PTO activities for a period of time if they have...
Asked by Anonymous in Volunteers & Involvement