Question: Teacher Appreciation
I am in charge of organizing teacher appreciation week this year, and I want to host a Teachers Award ceremony(kind of like the oscars) I need suggestions on catergories. Please Please if you have any let me know!!
Asked by kboldt06
Advice from PTO Today
Rose H writes:Hi kbold06!
Love this idea! I'd like to put this one on our Facebook page -- But we will get some fun answers!!
Rose C.
Community Advice
glisa writes:We asked the students for suggestions and got some good ones: best costumes for a teacher who's always game to dress up for homecoming, Halloween, etc. We had "most patient", "best silly dancer", and our principal received "best cheerleader" as she's always encouraging the kids, just to name a few. The younger kids got help from parents. We did this via email to the parents from the room parents.
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