Question: Anyone have an online shopping cart for school supplies/sportswear?
We have a website, and would like to set up a shopping cart so that parents can purchase school supply kits (we make ourselves) and sportswear at their convenience -- and over summer. Anyone have any experience with this? Paypal rates seem pretty decent for a non-profit, but I'm struggling to find a shopping cart that works with it for less than $9/month -- maybe I'm being cheap, but I thought there were free carts out there? We need to be able to list about 30 different items for sale... Would love some input from someone with experience!
Asked by mamagug
Community Advice
monkeyinadryer writes:Yes, you could try We use it for our spirit wear E-stores. Affordable and easy to navigate.
Good Luck~~Andrea Poague~~Monkey in a Dryer
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