Question: PTO Treasurer
I would like someones opinion of a PTO that has a treasurer who only has a checkbook without balances and deposits slips. She does her financials based on whatever the bank says. So if a check hasn't cleared it is not on her financials for the month. Her revenue and expenses do not match the checks and deposits made during the month. When I complained about there being no accuracy and any documentation I was told that is was a volunteer position and you can expect that.
Asked by Anonymous
Advice from PTO Today
Craig writes:You don't have to be a financial wizard to be a treasurer, but you do need to know how to balance a checkbook. The situation you describe is a significant risk for your group and needs to be addressed. My guess is that your treasurer needs some training and help getting organized. Maybe your previous treasurer can help her set up records and files? Or perhaps you have a parent with bookkeeping experience who could help her. Another option is to appoint an assistant treasurer who is more organized. One thing that might help is our PTO Treasurer's Toolkit. It walks a treasurer through the job step by step and includes all of the forms you need to get organized. You can also find resources on our treasurer topic page.
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