Question: The best way to distribute

Hello, I am new to PTOtoday. Our school just did a popcorn fundraiser. What is the best way to distribute the popcorn. Should our school contact the parents to pick up? What do you suggest?

Asked by Anonymous



Community Advice

LauraJan1 writes:
Next time consider an easy fundraiser that handles the shipping for you, that way you keep teachers in classrooms and students in the classroom too. This fundraiser requires none of that wasted energy. Great products, healthy, green with NO door to door, NO going back to deliver and at NO risk to any child, parent or staff member. LauraJan1 at

Community Advice

clayboggess writes:
It depends on how the popcorn was sold. Did you take orders for it or did you order it by the case? If you sold it by taking orders out of a brochure, your company should be able to prepack the popcorn by seller. When it arrives, each box already has the student’s name on the outside with a copy of the order form inside so the seller knows who to deliver the items to. This helps make delivery go much more smoothly.

It’s easy to create a delivery notice that goes home with the student informing the parents when the orders will be arriving. We provide a ready to use template inside our school fundraising guidebook that can be customized for each school. The notice can also be sent electronically via email or social media.

The company should provide advanced notice which gives you the needed time to inform your students and parents when the order will be arriving. If on the other hand, the group decides to do a popcorn fundraiser by ordering the actual product first and then selling it direct to consumer, that’s completely different. In this case, product distribution is up front and collecting money is on the backend.

Community Advice

clayboggess writes:
It depends on how the popcorn was sold. Did you take orders for it or did you order it by the case? If you sold it by taking orders out of a brochure, your company should be able to prepack the popcorn by seller. When it arrives, each box already has the student’s name on the outside with a copy of the order form inside so the seller knows who to deliver the items to. This helps make delivery go much more smoothly.

It’s easy to create a delivery notice that goes home with the student informing the parents when the orders will be arriving. We provide a ready to use template inside our school fundraising guidebook that can be customized for each school. The notice can also be sent electronically via email or social media.

The company should provide advanced notice which gives you the needed time to inform your students and parents when the order will be arriving. If on the other hand, the group decides to do a popcorn fundraiser by ordering the actual product first and then selling it direct to consumer, that’s completely different. In this case, product distribution is up front and collecting money is on the backend.

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