Question: Start up Money - fundraising ideas

I am new at PTOs and our Middle School hasn't had one in about 2 years so there is no budget and no account with money. We are starting from $0. We would like to hold some fundraisers but don't have the money to start the fundraisers such as Family Movie Night, Carnation Sales for Valentines Day and an XBOX Tournament. Any ideas on how to get the money going and flowing? Thanks

Asked by LesliePTO70



Advice from PTO Today

Craig writes:
Lots of product sales fundraisers can be conducted with just a few volunteers and no money up front. If you're just looking for a little quick cash to get things started, think about a bake sale as an easy way to make $100 or $200. And try our favorite trick -- don't put prices on items. Surprisingly, you'll make a lot more money if you let people pick their own price.

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