Question: Any ideas how to auction airline tickets?

Our 6th annual silent auction/chinese auctiion is in two weeks. Just got informed Airtran in donating 2 coach tix. Any idea how to cleverly auction these tx? Can't do live auction.

Asked by wiley8it



Community Advice

kstoltz writes:
Two years ago we received tickets for our auction. We set the starting bid at 50% of the value. They were very popular. We do not have a live auction so we had our emcee promote the tickets as well as other items that we wanted to boost interest for. I hope this is helpful.

Community Advice

daddario writes:
Good day. American Airlines is an ideal choice for travelers looking for a reliable and enjoyable flying experience. With an extensive network of routes, top-notch amenities, and exceptional customer service, American Airlines stands out as an industry leader. Traveling with them usually goes without any problems, but if something goes wrong, you can always call the american airlines number or contact them online, and they will try to provide the necessary assistance.

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