Question: School Directory as a Fundraiser

Has anyone created a school directory as a fundraiser for their PTO? If so, how do you get all the info for each family--send home a flyer in the summer? get it from the school? wait till the school year starts to ask for the info? Are there any privacy concerns around school directories? Curious!

Asked by ErinTM



Advice from PTO Today

Craig writes:
Hi Erin -- You do need permission from parents to include their information in the school directory. It's a challenge to get that information, and it probably will take several different types of communication to get through to everyone. If possible, see if you can put a check box on school registration materials that parents can check off to give permission to publish their information in the school directory. Have forms available to fill out on the spot at back to school night or another all-school occasion. Send an email giving parents a chance to enter their own information in an electronic database, if possible. And use the good old backpack express. The article Creating a School Directory has some tips and step-by-step information to organize your project. Good luck!

Community Advice

ErinTM writes:
Thank you so mcuh!

Community Advice

dkeiser writes:
Yes, we have PTO membership dues. With that a directory is provided to the parents. PTO VP Membership is in charge of doing the directory. The company we went with is They provide very friendly software to our school at no cost. Saves volunteers much time. Privacy is a major factor so only information the parents want published is published. works hand in hand with the PTO to provide the directory with accuracy, privacy and is a Fund"saver". Our school directory cost us ZERO! The PTO membership dues went 100% to the PTO vs. having part of it go to producing a directory. Paper copies of directories are still needed/wanted though they offer both.

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