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2014 Ultimate Donation List

10 years 3 months ago #166423 by Rose H
Hi AM123,

Is your gift auction done with gift baskets?

Rose C.
10 years 3 months ago #166420 by AM123
This is my first year running the Gift Auction for our school. I found valuable information on this message board--thank you!! We are located in New Jersey. If anyone has any information that could help I would greatly appreciate it. This is will be the third year our school is holding a gift auction and I am really trying to increase the amount the money we raise.
10 years 3 months ago #166416 by SDLandry
Sharing some info from The Biltmore in Coral Gables, Fl.

They have an online donation form & require a 3 month lead time:

Per the website:

Consideration will be given to those organizations that send their request at least three months before the event and for those supporting social causes: health and welfare, children, arts and education. Please be sure to describe the people who would benefit from the donation, as well as the background and purpose of your agency.

Full details regarding the level of exposure and potential audience profiles are instrumental in Biltmore decision about involvement. Such information must therefore be included with the request. Decisions are made based on marketing considerations.

We cannot consider requests in support of the following: Sports team fundraisers, Political party or candidate fundraisers, Business requests for holiday or special recognition events, Request benefiting a single individual, Request by an individual for a specific cause, Request for any type of raffle.
10 years 3 months ago #166414 by Susie
Hi GST985, I live in Ohio and would love the COSI tickets.

10 years 3 months ago #166408 by SDLandry
Here are some details from Chateau Elan--a BEAUTIFUL winery/resort--and some of you guys may want to reach out to them. I included the link for you; alternately you can Google "Chateau Elan donation request" and the page will come up. Happy auctioning everyone!

Chateau Elan (Braselton, Ga.):

Dona­tion Request Guidelines: Chateau Elan is com­mit­ted to the community and is pleased to con­tribute to wor­thy causes. Please be aware we receive many requests weekly, and we make a con­certed effort to accom­mo­date as many requests as pos­si­ble as long as they fol­low our guide­lines below.

--When sub­mit­ting char­i­ta­ble requests, you must adhere to the fol­low­ing guide­lines to facil­i­tate the process and to be con­sid­ered for a donation.

--Only eli­gi­ble 501(c)(3) non­profit orga­ni­za­tions are within our focused area of giving.

--Include your IRS tax sub­stan­ti­a­tion let­ter and a writ­ten request on your organization’s let­ter­head with your dona­tion request.

--You must allow a min­i­mum of 4 weeks in advance of the need.
All requests must be sub­mit­ted by EMAIL to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Sub­ject: Char­i­ta­ble Con­tri­bu­tions Committee.

--No cash dona­tions are considered.

While we would like to respond favor­ably to all requests, the needs are far greater than our ded­i­cated resources. There­fore it is not pos­si­ble for us to accom­mo­date all requests. If your sub­mit­ted request does not fully adhere to the guide­lines above your request will not be considered.
10 years 3 months ago #166402 by Kim
Replied by Kim on topic Re:2014 Ultimate Donation List
Our school has a carnival about a month after our silent auction. If we have too many items for the auction, or ones that don't sell, we save them and set up a raffle booth at the carnival. This allows people who didn't come to the auction to have a chance of winning too!
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