We use the gift bags from a party store (they are the size of brown paper lunch bags but in color). We use a color for each category and staple the # and title of the prize to the bag. They are pretty reasonable and usually have packages of 25 each.
I found glass jars at a local wholesale floral supply store pretty cheaply but I've seen people use large tin cans painted bright colors, decorated lunch bags (probably need to weigh these down with something so they don't blow over), painted clay pots, pringles type cans wrapped with wrapping paper, glad type plastic containers with a slit cut in the top, wrapped square/deep gift boxes.
Walk the aisles of the dollar store for ideas and inspiration. Also check pinterest.
Mine did not have a lid but since we always had someone watching the table we were not concerned about people sabotaging the tickets in the jars.
I just wanted to say thank you to ALL for ALL of your insight and suggestions. There is a lot of work that goes into a successful auction as well as space needed to hold everything. Without this blog, I would of never received donations from, Otterbox, Disney, Green Mountain Coffee, Cabot Cheese....just to name a few! Keep posting...and if I come across any new ones, I will post, too!
As of today, I have 82 requests out. Of them, perhaps 20 are from this list. Some links were broken and at least one doesn't honor requests at this time.
I found the greatest wealth of leads from a simple Google search of "donation request forms [state]".
Next, I will randomly send out letters to highly desirable businesses in my metro area.
Then, I will canvas my rather small city with letters.
Finally, I will assign each classroom a theme for a basket to be auctioned.
I feel bad that the businesses on the first page here are inundated with requests because of our desire for convenience. I must thank Green Mountain Coffee and Disneyland for tirelessly donating within a day of the request.
I still cannot visualize how to collect the tickets for the raffled items. I have found collection boxes online for $1.70 per. I will consider that if nothing else sounds good. All donations over $100 with be silent auctioned at the beginning of the announcements so that people can free up their money to buy more tickets. I figure that we can do those first and then wait an hour for the raffle? Does anyone have insight?