Hello, Not really sure how this works so here goes......I am with a volunteer organization that holds a live auction every year to help raise funds for our local fire dept. I found that in doing this most of your local colleges will donate sporting event tickets all you have to do is fill out a request form and attach your a letter with your letterhead and explain your event. Now, that being said some of your of your NFL teams will donate as well but with those, you have to be a 501(c) 3 or 4. Most restaurants will donate either a gift card/ certificate or something that you can only get from their restaurant. I did find out this year that a lot of places have gone to online request only. Others let you fax it in. If you live in the Des Moines, Iowa area and would like a list of places that you can request a donation from (if it helps and saves time) and they prefer you request please feel free to contact me at stuartfireauxiliarygmail.com
Thank you for your time and hope you have a good day.
Veronica Henderson