I am the PTO president at Ryan Elementary in Chandler, AZ. This was the first year we decided to try that and we exceeded the goal. I can post our letter and donation form if anyone wants to see it.
We are considering the same option! If you look on this PTO Today website under "File Exchange" I saw a sample letter. I have actually seen a few different ways of doing it just by doing a Google search. Take a look at this website...a lot of great information - www.ohepta.org/No_Hassle_Fundraiser.html
This sounds like a great idea to me!
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by tdp917. Reason: added wording
In stead of fundraising next year, our school would like to compose a letter to encourage parents just to do a flat donation at the beginning of the year. Just wondering if anyone has a template letter for this type of fundraiser