There are some old discussions that may help you. I pasted in a copy of our answers from a
2002 PTO filing (text summary)
. Important - the form has changed since then, so the numbers/letters won't align. But much of the information is the same, plus I mentioned the mistakes we made. Here's a link to that version of the
(blank) 1023 form (Rev 1998)
in case you want to compare. The typed answers are pretty cryptic without the form.
Discussion of
Form 1023, Part VI
Do any of your programs limit the provision of goods, services, or funds to a specific individual or group of specific individuals?
As far as timing - many of us filed back when it took 6 weeks. Now I believe the lead time is about 6 months. The IRS now has a website devoted to
Where is my Exemption Application?
Good luck and keep us posted on how it works out for you.
Would anyone with recent (last 5-10 years?) experience in completing Form 1023 for IRS tax-exempt status, be willing to share a copy of your application and narrative attachments? I am also interested in learning how long the approval process was, any pitfalls or problems experienced, etc. I am nearing completion of our form 1023 and would like to compare notes w/ others who have gone through this.